Friday, April 6, 2012


After puzzling for a couple of weeks over what spectacular thing I should put on my blog for the momentous 100th post, I realized how inconsequential that is, given the more important events that have transpired in our family.

Our long-awaited, much-loved and born-too-early Elijah Glen Williams graced our lives on March 26, lived long enough for his father to give him a name and a blessing, and then, trailing clouds of glory, returned home to that great God who gave him life. Those days before his birth until after his funeral were so full of so many miracles and tender mercies, compassion and kindnesses, that I cannot begin to count them. It is so appropriate that he was born just before Easter, reminding us of the One on whom we all depend for deliverance. With that in mind, I've decided to post a poem that is my belief about a day yet to come for all of us.

Resurrection Morning
by Pamela Williams

In the garden that morning Mary came,
solemn, to be where they had laid
Him. If she could not embrace Him again,
at least she could embrace His spirit
here, by His lifeless body.
With aloes and spices
she came to anoint Him,
her heart unable to sense the
newness of spring around her.
Seeing the tomb was empty,
she gave way to bitter sorrow.
How could she be alive without Him?

Then He was there, and thinking through tears
He was the gardener, she begged to know.
He spoke one word,
her name,
and she was
alive again.

On an unknown morning
in a spring yet to come,
in a garden of my choosing,
He will come
with aloes of healing,
and spices of pardon
to anoint me.
Mourning my absence,
longing to embrace me,
He will stand at my tomb
and call.
As surely as Mary knew His voice,
so will I.
He will speak one word,
my name,
and I will be
alive again,

and home.


Jennifer said...

Beautiful. This is one of my favorite poems. Perfect.

Megan said...

so beautiful. That sweet memorial service and the many miracles experienced through baby Elijah for his parents and each of us has touched my soul. What a blessing that we have the knowledge of Christ's good news to comfort us and carry us. Happy Easter!

Janet Kay Jensen said...
